Everyone looks to buy pure diamonds since they invest an immense amount in them when buying diamond jewelry or rings. The diamond cuts play an essential role in identifying whether the diamonds are pure or not. When the gemologists or the jewelers inspect the diamonds under the microscope, they do the testing to find out these 4Cs.
This article will explain the importance of Diamond 4Cs (Cut, clarity, color, carat) specifically.
The Cut: It’s one of the most crucial parts of identifying pure diamonds. The diamond cuts may vary based on their making process. Naturally mined diamonds usually don’t have these well-finished cuts as lab-grown diamonds have.
Therefore, people tend to buy lab-created diamonds more when they want to make jewelry or engagement rings. The diamond cut reflects the light you test when inspecting the stone. The brighter light it reflects, the more beautiful it looks.
The Clarity: The diamond clarity is the inclusions or impurities it has in the diamond stone. Lab-grown diamonds don’t have many inclusions as naturally mined diamonds. Since the processing differs, the inclusion amount also remains diverse in the two types. But both the diamonds are real and pure when you will see them. The Diamond cuts & 4cs tells about the details of the diamond clarity.
The Color: The color of the diamond also impacts the overall price of the diamond. Some natural diamonds are colorless, and these are common. But lab-grown diamonds come in different colors like pink, yellow, and others. And pink diamonds are expensive. The more variations you get, the prices will vary also.
The Carat Size: The carat size of diamonds means the weight of the diamond. It impacts the price of the diamond also. The smaller or bigger size you pick for the diamond stone will vary the price. So, before you choose the diamond stone, make sure you know the carat size properly.
Overall, the 4Cs of diamonds are necessary to know when you buy diamonds. They help you identify whether you are buying pure diamond stones or not.